Saturday, July 20, 2019

Spaghetti – An Open Source Web Application Security Scanner

Some of its features include:
  • Fingerprinting (Server and Web Frameworks (CakePHP,CherryPy,…)
  • Discovery: (Bruteforce, Admin Interface, Common Backdoors)
  • Disclosure: (Emails, Private IPs)
  • Attacks: (HTML Injection, SQL Injection)

Getting Started

First, we have to clone the tool by typing the following command:
git clone
The once cloned, we change directory by typing the following command:
cd Security_Spaghetti
Then we install the requirements by typing the following command
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then we start spaghetti by typing the following command:
Then to use the tool against your target website, type the following command:
python spaghetti --url [here type a url of your choice] --scan 0 --random-agent –verbose

[Type the URL for which your client has given permission to pen test].